Ultrasonic Weather Station with HEATING with outputs for Apparent Wind and angle and and True Wind Speed and Direction (for wind speeds up to 40m/s), incl. Barometric Pressure Sensor, three axis solid state compass with dynamic stabilization, three axis accelerometer for pitch and roll, three axis rate-of-turn gyro, GPS with 10 Hz output of COG/SOG/POS, air temperature sensor and calculated wind chill temperature; Data output options include NMEA 0183 (RS422) or NMEA 2000 (CAN BUS); 12-24 V DC.
- Description
Ultrasonic Weather Station with HEATING with outputs for Apparent Wind and angle and and True Wind Speed and Direction (for wind speeds up to 40m/s), incl. Barometric Pressure Sensor, three axis solid state compass with dynamic stabilization, three axis accelerometer for pitch and roll, three axis rate-of-turn gyro, GPS with 10 Hz output of COG/SOG/POS, air temperature sensor and calculated wind chill temperature; Data output options include NMEA 0183 (RS422) or NMEA 2000 (CAN BUS); 12-24 V DC.
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Status: On order
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Ultrasonic Weather Station with HEATING with outputs for Apparent Wind and angle and and True Wind Speed and Direction (for wind speeds up to 40m/s), incl. Barometric Pressure Sensor, three axis solid state compass with dynamic stabilization, three axis accelerometer for pitch and roll, three axis rate-of-turn gyro, GPS with 10 Hz output of COG/SOG/POS, air temperature sensor and calculated wind chill temperature; Data output options include NMEA 0183 (RS422) or NMEA 2000 (CAN BUS); 12-24 V DC.