FAR-1513-BB/24 RPM/DC
FAR-1513-BB/24 RPM/DC
12 kW BLACK BOX NON-IMO radar, 24 RPM, with advanced target tracking (TT) technology, automatic Clutter elimination function (ACE) , radar overlay for ECDIS models FMD-3100/3200-BB and FEA-21X7 networked via Ethernet. S
- Description
12 kW BLACK BOX NON-IMO radar, 24 RPM, with advanced target tracking (TT) technology, automatic Clutter elimination function (ACE) , radar overlay for ECDIS models FMD-3100/3200-BB and FEA-21X7 networked via Ethernet. S
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Status: On order
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12 kW BLACK BOX NON-IMO radar, 24 RPM, with advanced target tracking (TT) technology, automatic Clutter elimination function (ACE) , radar overlay for ECDIS models FMD-3100/3200-BB and FEA-21X7 networked via Ethernet. Supplied with Antenna Drive Unit (RSB-0070-086A-1), Control Unit (RCU-028) and Processor Unit (RPU-024). EXCL. ANTENNA RADIATOR AND ANTENNA CABLE; 24 V DC