Satellite Compass with 3 GPS antennas with 0.25 dg.
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Satellite Compass with 3 GPS antennas with 0.25 dg.
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Satellite Compass with 3 GPS antennas with 0.25 dg. RMS heading accuracy incl. antenna (SC-1303), 4.3" LCD color display (SC-702-E-1), junction box (SC-701) and 10 m cable (between display and juncton box), 7 off bird repellent fixture (OP20-49); Seriel outputs: 4 ports (8 out, 4 in) IEC-61162-1, 1 port (1 out, 1 in) IEC-61162-2, 1 port IEC-61162-450, 1 port CAN bus/NMEA-2000 and 2 ports (4 out) AD-10; Clinometer with pitch (0.4 dg. Accuracy), Roll (0.4 dg. Accuracy), Heave (20 cm RMS accuracy); 12-24V DC.
NOTE: For digital outputs optional cable is used a LAN-coaxial cable converter kit (OP20-47) must be used for the antenna unit and a LAN-coaxial cable converter kit (OP20-48) must be used for the distribution box. interface box IF-2550 is required. For analog outputs use optional interface IF-NMEA2K2. THD type approved, GPS (IEC-61108-1) approved and ROTI (ISO-20672) type approved. For ROTI use RD-50 display unit. Use antenna cable type (ANT CBL SC70/130 COMP) alternative (ANT CBL SC70/130 ASSY). If a Coaxial antenna